Probability Roulette Calculator

Since roulette is a game of chance, there is no way for players to predict with absolute certainty where the little white ball will land on the next spin. Yet, the main goal of all roulette players is to win and get the most from the game with their bets when they join the roulette table. One easy way to achieve this is to manage your bankroll efficiently.

There are several aspects of adequate bankroll management. The most important thing is to determine the size of your overall bankroll, or the amount of money you intend to set aside for a given betting session. The next step is setting a base betting unit for yourself or the amount of money you put on stake per spin.

Roulette Calculator Online — Roulette Odds & Probability – Bet Payouts and Winning Chances. In this example, you place a bet on the leftmost line of the 31 or the rightmost line of the Corner or Square A corner or square bet is a bet on four numbers poem roulette by placing a chip or chips on the corner shared by all four numbers. Roulette Calculator Calculate the roulette probability of (13-24) along with the expected return on your $10.00 bet Success Percentage of (13-24) = Probability of (13-24) x 100% Success Percentage of (13-24) = 31.58%.

Less experienced players, who have trouble deciding on the size of their base betting unit in relation to their overall bankroll, can resort to using the so-called roulette betting calculators. The said calculators are available online and often can be used free of charge. The use of these calculators can be especially helpful to players, who are looking to incorporate a specific betting system into their roulette session in order to generate more substantial profits.

Press a button below where the ball lands

CalculationsCalculate the roulette probability of RedBlackOddsEvens(1-12)(13-24)(25-36)StraightSplitStreetSquareSix Line Bet along with the expected return on your bet
Outcome Probability = 181212346 Numbers
37 Total Numbers
Success Percentage = Outcome Probability x 100%
Success Percentage = 181212346 x 100 = 48.64%32.43%2.70%5.41%8.11%10.81%16.2%
Expected Return on your Bet = Bet * (Success % - (1 - Success %))
Expected ReturnSuccess Percentage = %
You Win =
Expected Return on your Bet =

How Does a Roulette Betting Calculator Work?

Using the roulette betting calculators available online is quite straightforward. The calculators aim at indicating what the most suitable base betting unit for a given player will be on the basis of their bankroll size. The base betting unit is the sum players put on stake on each spin of the ball.

It is important to remember that discipline plays a crucial role at the roulette table – the size of the base betting unit is meant to be a fixed constant that players stick to throughout their betting session. Sticking to the fixed unit ensures players are spending the optimum amount of time at the table while still being able to turn a decent profit whenever they experience a longer winning streak.

This is how the online roulette betting calculators work. All players are required to do is enter the exact amount of their bankroll in the respective field and click on the Calculate button. For example, let’s assume you have set aside £200 for a single roulette betting session. The calculator will compute three different betting units using this sum, namely a safe unit, a recommended unit and a high-risk unit. Which one you choose to adopt depends on the type of roulette player you are, more risk-averse player or a high roller.

Many roulette experts recommend players to use a base unit that amounts to 2% of the total bankroll and caution them to steer clear of using a unit that exceeds 5% of the sum, they are planning to spend on a single betting session. Inexperienced roulette players are often advised to stick to base units amounting to 1% of their bankrolls, at least until they figure out what betting strategy works best for them.

Betting Units for £200 stake
Safe (1%)£2
Recommended (2%)£4
High-Risk (4%)£8

Safe Betting Units

If you enter £200 as the size of your overall bankroll, the calculator will compute that your safe betting unit amounts to £2. This unit corresponds to 1% of your overall bankroll. Sticking to a safe betting unit might enable players to prolong the time they spend at the roulette table. It is recommended for players, who are more cautious with their money and are satisfied with putting relatively small amounts on stake.

However, players who choose a safe betting unit should bear in mind there are maximum and minimum stake limits at landbased roulette tables. Often, it might be impossible to bet only £1 per spin since in landbased casinos, the minimum roulette bets usually start at £5. Nevertheless, this issue can easily be resolved by playing the game online. Many web-based gambling operators offer low stakes roulette variations where it is possible to make bets of £1 or even £0.50. So, if you decide to stick to a safe betting unit, you should consider joining a low stake roulette game from the comfort of your home.

Mobile Casinos
Online Roulette Variations
Playtech Roulette
Microgaming Roulette
NetEnt Roulette
Betting Calculator

Recommended Betting Units

The second unit the calculator will compute is the recommended betting unit. You may notice that the recommended unit always corresponds to 2% of your overall bankroll, regardless of the sum you have initially entered. In our case, the recommended betting unit for a bankroll of £200 would amount to more than £4. This is, in fact, the ideal base unit since it allows players to optimise the time they spend at the roulette table, while at the same time giving them a rush of adrenaline on every spin of the ball.

Also, sticking to the recommended unit may help you minimise your losses in case you experience a longer losing streak since you will not be risking a substantial percentage of your bankroll on each spin. Roulette novices should remember that it is better to settle for smaller wins than parting with their entire bankroll in a few spins by putting heftier sums on stake.

High-Risk Betting Units

The roulette betting calculators available online also compute high-risk betting units, suitable for the type of player, who prefers to bet big and collect greater profits, respectively. The roulette betting calculator has computed a high-risk betting unit of £8 for the bankroll of £200, used in this example. The sum corresponds to 4% of the overall bankroll amount and is considered the highest, yet the safest bet limit in the game of roulette.

Players, who opt for using higher-risk bet units, are recommended to be careful when putting their funds on stake in order to prevent losing more money they are comfortable with. If you are anxious or get infuriated each time you lose on a spin, this might serve as an indicator the high-risk betting unit is not for you. If that is the case, you should consider reducing the size of your next bets to the recommended bet unit to prevent being tempted to bet too much when you suffer a losing streak.


Determining the Best Base Betting Unit

Online roulette betting calculators predominantly focus on giving players an idea of the best range of units they should put on stake at the roulette table. At the end of the day, it is up to players to decide on the amount they wish to bet per each spin. However, players are recommended to join the roulette table only with money they are comfortable playing with, and potentially losing.

If the thought of losing a given amount of money per spin makes you sweat with anxiety, you should avoid putting this sum on stake. It is of utmost importance to stick to the limits you have set for yourself and feel comfortable with. Remember the best betting unit for yourself is the one that allows you to maximise the time you spend at the roulette table without causing you to risk a substantial part of your bankroll.

Another thing to take into account is the fact that these calculators are meant to be used solely for reference purposes. In order to find a balance, players are recommended to experiment a little with their base betting units and adjust them until they find a unit they are most comfortable with.

Most importantly, when you have found the betting unit that works best for you, you need to stick to it when you join the roulette table, regardless of what happens. Sometimes, players are tempted to increase their betting units whenever they suffer a lengthy losing streak in an attempt to recoup their losses. However, there is no guarantee the next spin will result in winning, so increasing the bet units dramatically might end up costing you your entire bankroll.

A Few Words in Conclusion

While online roulette betting calculators are useful in helping players determine the size of their base betting units, the effect they have on your bets winning or losing is equal to nil. In addition, if you search online, you may be able to find a range of roulette calculators that compute the probability of winning with specific roulette bets. Some calculators go as far as “predicting” which the next number to be spun will be.

There is one very important thing to remember, namely the fact there is no relation between the spins. Each spin is independent and does not affect the outcome of the spins that are to follow. This indicates all numbers on the roulette wheel have equal chances of coming up on the next spin, so there is no possible way to predict the outcome with absolute certainty. This practically renders calculators that compute the outcomes on the basis of previous winning numbers useless.

However, calculators that compute betting units might prove to be useful when it comes to players’ money management. But it is up to players decide whether or not they are comfortable with using the betting units, suggested by the calculators.

MathThere is no player who doesn’t want to find a way to win easily. Make casino clients try to calculate lucky numbers when playing roulette. They believe that the theory of probability will help them and bring a fortune. Yet, sceptical claim that it is a Utopia. If it were so, then all players would become winners.

In any case, such skills require lots of time and knowledge. Alternatively, a player should have a brilliant mind. Not every player is able to calculate the odds of hitting the target. It is not so easy to calculate which the sequence of cards will be on the table. Still, many players believe the theory of probability works and can influence the course of a roulette session. In this article, we are going to consider the main roulette probability problems.

Frankly speaking, it is impossible to predict how the ball will behave in roulette. Intuition and inner voice are the only things that can guide the player. There are no other forces that can help in the struggle against a roulette ball. Why? Everything is rather clear. The player should track and remember each move during the whole session. And if players were able to do this, then casinos would immediately go bankrupt.

Yet, players seek new ways to submit a roulette ball and tame it. Many players calculate odds using the theory of probability. Below, let’s find out whether it is reasonable.

The Concept of Probability in the Game

To begin with, let’s recall what the probability theory is. The notion studies random events. The concept arose as a science from the belief that certain patterns lie at the heart of random mass events. The notion studies these patterns. The probability theory deals with the study of events, the occurrence of which is not known for sure. It allows judging the degree of probability of occurrence of some events in comparison with others.

For example, it is impossible to determine unambiguously the result of getting 'heads' or 'tails' as a result of a coin toss. Yet, with repeated tossing, approximately the same number of 'heads' and 'tails' comes up. It means that the probability that 'heads' or 'tails' drop out is equal to 50%.

Probability Roulette Calculator

A test, in this case, is the implementation of a certain set of conditions. That is, in this case, tossing a coin. The challenge can be played an unlimited number of times. In this case, the complex of conditions includes random factors. An event is the result of the test. The event happens:

  • Real (always happens as a result of a test)
  • Unreal (never happens)
  • Accidental (may or may not happen as a result of the test)

For example, when a coin is tossed, an impossible event is that the coin will be on the edge; a random event is 'heads' or 'tails'. The particular test result is called an atomic event. As a result of the test, only elementary events occur. The collection of all possible, different, specific test outcomes is called the space of elementary events.

Probability is the degree to which an event may occur. When the grounds for some possible event outweigh the opposite grounds, then the event is called probable, otherwise unlikely, or improbable.

The same rule applies to roulette. Many players try to predict the outcome of a roulette spin with the help of the concept. Let's study this point on an example and find out what happens when using the formula. No, we are to calculate the probability of getting 5 simple odds in a row (for instance, 5 BLACK in a row).

Do not forget that a roulette ball lacks any memory. Thus, there are 5 independent events. Divide 18 by 37 to find out the probability of each of them. We get 0.49. Multiply 0.49 five times to find out the probability of a series of 5 BLACK. We get 0.03. As you see, odds are rather small. So, you need to play against such a probability to win. But how to play? Bet on RED five times? Keep in mind that the probability of five RED has no difference. The result will be the same.

Okay, let's wait for a series of four shots on BLACK, and then put on RED. Do not forget that the probability of 5 BLACK in a row is very small. We spin the roulette and finally see 4 BLACK. Now, the moment has come when you need to bet on RED. Yet, the probability of getting RED hasn't changed, as the ball lacks any experience.

Now, I would like to draw a clear analogy. Let’s say you want to pull clothes out of a wardrobe with your eyes closed. Moreover, the wardrobe is directly roulette. There are a lot of clothes in it. Your eyes are shut. When you stick your hand up a pile of clothes, you cannot know which one you will get out.

No matter how hard you try, the chances of finding the desired garment are small. But still, there are few of them. For example, you know the material by touch and perhaps remember the approximate arrangement of things in the wardrobe. Therefore, it can be said that there are certain changes, but they are small.

An interesting fact is the following. Odds in American roulette are estimated at 5.26%. The same indicator is 2.7% in European roulette. The difference is due to the fact that the first one has two Zeros. Actually, roulette is purely a game of luck. The gambler has odds either to win or to lose.

Precise Analysis of a Roulette Session

Let's start with the fact that in the probability theory, the concept of probability is formalized as a numerical characteristic of an event. Recall once again that it is a probabilistic measure that takes a value from 0 to 1. Value 1 corresponds to a reliable/real event. An impossible/unreal event has a probability of 0. If the probability of an event occurring is x, then the probability of its non-occurrence is 1 – x.

Let’s apply the theory to roulette. As a real event, we take the fact that the ball will stop at any number. In other words, the probability that any number will play is 1. In our case, an unreal event means that no numbers have been played. Theoretically, this is possible if the ball flies out of the wheel, or an electronic roulette freezes. Yet, in this case, the casino usually returns bets, and this happens quite rarely.

Since there are 37 numbers on the wheel and each of them can appear with the same probability, the probability of a particular number being drawn is 1/37. One should add the corresponding probabilities to determine the probability that one of several numbers will play. For example, the probability of hitting a split or one of two specific numbers is 2/37. For equal chances, the probability of falling out will be 18/37.

Use the formula 1 - 1/37 to calculate the probability that a specific number won’t play. We get that the probability of not drawing a specific number is 36/37. Still, non-hitting a number means that any of the remaining 36 numbers will play in any case. The probability of this event is just 36/37. As you can see, everything is logical.

Having calculated roulette probabilities per spin, it is interesting to look further. To calculate the probability of the same number drawing, one should multiply the corresponding probabilities. Thus, the probability that the same specific number will play twice is calculated using the formula (1/37)*(1/37). By analogy, the repetition probability for equal chances is calculated by (18/37)*(18/37). For another repetition, simply add a new multiplier. So, the likelihood of an equal chance for three times is (18/37)*(18/37)*(18/37), etc.

And finally, if the chosen number does not play during the first spin. How to calculate the probability of getting the number on the second, third, etc. spin? No way! The probability is always the same and does not depend on all previous spins. For any number, the probability of falling out is always 1/37. For an equal chance, the indicator is 18/37.

Yet, every one counts and somehow shows that with each next spin the probability of getting a specific number is constantly increasing... Here is the trick — in fact, each roulette probability chart shows the probability with which the required bet will drop out at least once during the specified number of spins.

To calculate this probability, you’re welcome to use a roulette odds calculator. It calculates the probability of not hitting the desired number in a row for a certain number of spins. The opposite of this value will be the required probability. Let’s examine this rule using the following instances.

The first one is the following: find out the probability that a particular number will appear at least once in 5 spins.

  • Players’ odds of hitting a number is 1/37 or 0.027;
  • The probability of missing a number is 1-1/37 = 36/37;
  • The odds of not hitting a specific number 5 times in a row is (36/37) * (36/37) * (36/37) * (36/37) * (36/37) or if shorter than (36/37)^5. Numerically, it will be 0.8719;
  • Thus, the probability that a specific number will not play 5 times in a row is 0.8719. The probability that the required number will play at least once in 5 spins is 1-0.8719 = 0.1281.

Let's proceed to another one: calculate the probability that RED will drop out at least once in 5 spins.

  • The probability that RED drops out is 18/37 or 0.4864;
  • The probability of missing RED is 1-18/37 = 19/37;
  • The probability of not hitting of RED 5 times in a row is (19/37)^5 = 0.0357;
  • The probability that RED will play at least once in 5 spins is 1-0.0357 = 0.9643;
  • The final touch. Ordinary people are not used to dealing with a roulette probability distribution. They easier perceive information in the form of percentages. Therefore, we take the value of 100% as a real event; an impossible event corresponds to 0%. Thus, to convert to percentages, it is enough to multiply the obtained probabilities by 100.

Things to Remember Before Sitting at a Roulette Table

It is worth mentioning that an attempt to find a correct winning combination or strategy for playing roulette always fails. Remember how the story of a successful combination of cards in Pushkin's “Queen of Spades” ended. Try not to repeat such mistakes, and do not hope for a miracle.

With such a strategy, you can only change dispersion. Still, you cannot influence the mathematical expectation. Players spend much time to develop the right working strategy. Yet, keep in mind that the more bets you make, the fewer chances to win at least something in a casino you have. This rule is applied to online casinos as well.

Just think for yourself the following fact. When you visit a casino, all players and the system itself hope to get as much benefit from you as possible. Thus, you are playing the game not only according to the theory of probability and against it. You also compete with the casino itself, which is practically a separate organism. It craves benefits and large profits, which appear only in case of your loss.

If you play in an online casino, then you play against a program that is a set of letters and numbers. Simply put, your main competitor is a code.

A computer is a machine that has no intelligence, even artificial. Yet, players who expect you to fail do have intelligence. Remember that everyone starting from the owner of the casino up to its employees and visitors can’t wait to see your losses. Players should leave as much money as possible there. Then a disappointed player comes back for revenge with another big sum in a pocket. It has always been this way, and it is now.

The machine does not think and does not know how to do this. So, it simply executes commands. In other words, it carries out the programmed line code. No one needs to write any variations or tricky combinations. There is no need to create traps in the program. Simplicity and triviality are important for any computer program.

All computers in the world, no matter what they are (old or new, simple or advanced, for work or home), are equipped with random number generators. It is this generator that is considered the very heart of the computer. These generators are exactly the same. They don't have any trickery.

How to Increase Roulette Winning Odds

American Roulette Probability Calculator

Every player dreams of increasing roulette odds of winning. To play roulette, you do not need to have any special knowledge. It all depends on chance. Yet, despite this fact, each player thinks about the way to increase the odds of winning the game. Thus, consider the following points to improve your odds.

  • 1. It is worth paying attention to the type of roulette. Each roulette wheel has various odds of winning due to a different number of slots. For example, it is much easier to win in European roulette than in American one. Since European roulette leaves the casino with an advantage of only 2.7%, and American roulette has 5.3%.
  • 2. Play on proven systems. Players are divided into 2 types: those who play relying only on their minds, and those who play according to different systems. Surely, it is more profitable to play by systems. But, in this case, choose only approved algorithms. For example, Martingale, Lucky 7, etc.
  • 3. Use bonuses. Do not neglect the bonuses that a casino offers. When using them, you also increase your odds of winning. Before playing at any casino, look at a few more options and choose the one in which the wagering coefficient is minimal.
  • 4. Bankroll management. If you want to win frequently, you need to follow Bankroll Management. Its essence is as follows: you need to learn how to choose the size of bets so that you can make another 150 to 300 bets with the remaining money. This strategy will help improve the roulette odds payout.

Roulette Strategies that Help to Win

Systems for playing simple roulette odds:

  • Martingale strategy
  • Anti-Martingale System (Parlay Strategy)
  • D’Alembert system
  • Anti-D’Alembert algorithm
  • Labouchere method
  • Anti-Labouchere systems
  • Donald's strategy with Nathanson's changes
  • Fibonacci strategy

Systems for playing in the main playing field:

  • System of two thirds (Law of distribution)
  • Biarritz System (Makarov Strategy)
  • Counter-Biarritz system

How to Win at Casino Roulette

Roulette Probability Calculator App

Is it possible to win at the casino by playing roulette according to the rules of the listed strategies and systems? This is how beginners usually formulate the question, without specifying other important and significant conditions of the game. Thus, roulette odds are explained by many factors.

There is no purely mathematical roulette strategy that would allow the player to completely eliminate losses. Also, no single gambling strategy can affect the mathematical profitability of a game.

In extremely rare cases, and purely due to technical reasons, roulette wheels in certain casinos may deviate from the uniform distribution of the numbers drawn.
This phenomenon is called roulette wheel addiction. Counter-Biarritz system is designed for playing against casinos in which addictive wheel roulette has been identified. Yet, even this strategy, like all others, does not exclude the factor of luck in the game.

Every single launch of the ball is luck. The player constantly runs the risk of both winning and losing. That is why the game is called roulette.

It should be noted that all mathematical systems and strategies for playing roulette were developed by the players themselves. The main idea and advantage of using a certain strategy during the game are that the player can control it and his/her deposit.


? In what type of roulette do players have more odds for winning?
When choosing the right table for starting your roulette experience, remember that American tables are characterized by fewer odds. Thus, it is better to prefer the European roulette table.
? What bets are considered the most profitable and predictable?
There are different types of bets. Do not forget that a single number bet has more chances. If you make bets on Red/Black or Odd/Even, your roulette machine odds are the lowest.
? Is it reasonable to develop a strategy when playing online roulette?
If you choose a particular strategy for a roulette session, your odds do not change as a rule. Still, some players highly recommend changing the strategy during the entire game to improve the house edge.
? What are the most well-known roulette strategies for increasing odds?

Probability Roulette Calculator Cheat

Double-O-Seven and Martingale are the most popular roulette strategies. They were developed long ago.
If you make the same bet on one slot, your odds are 1 to 36/37, which is extremely low. Thus, it’s all about your luck. If you’re lucky enough, it is possible to win several times in a row. Still, the practice shows that it is impossible.
Special calculators and roulette wheel probability statistics are provided to players. You’re welcome to study this information. It will help predict your odds to win.
Roulette odds on 0 are rather low. It is 2,70% in European roulette and 2,60% in American roulette. Still, many players risk betting on Zero as its payout is rather high.

Russian Roulette Probability Calculator

? What is the highest probability when playing roulette?
48.60% is the biggest possible ratio. It means that your odds are almost 50:50. Usually, such odds are for bets on Black/Red, Even/Odd.
? Is it possible to win by making one and the same bet?
If you make one bet in a row, your odds remain the same. Although it seems that with each new spin, the player gets more odds, it’s a myth. In the article, we describe this situation and explain why the odds remain equal.

Probability Roulette Calculator Formula

The algorithms and systems were developed by players. Thus, it is true that they are approved and tested. Still, it is important to know when and how to use them. Thus, you should be a skilled player to find the right way to operate the chosen strategies.

Where to play?

Roulette Wheel Probability Calculator

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